Thanks to Brandi for passing this award on to me!
I have to answer the following questions with one word!
1.) Where is your cell phone? desk
2.)Your hair? Brown
3.) Your mother? Recovering
4.) Your father? Wonderful
5.) Favorite Food? Italian
6.) Your dream last nite? Naughty
7.) Your favorite drink? Coffee
8.) Your dream/goal? Travel
9.) What room are you in? Office
10.) Your hobby? Lifting
11.) Your fear? Spiders!
12.) Where do you want to be in 6 years? Manager
13.) Where were you last night? Fontanas
14.) Something that you aren't? Tired
15.) Muffins? Cinnamon
16.) Wish list item? car
17.) Where did you grow up? Bellevue
18.) Last thing you did? Eat
19.) What are you wearing? Scrubs
20.) Your tv? over-used
21.) Your pets? cute!
22.) Your friends? Amazing
23.) Your life? changing
24.) Your mood? Determined
25.)Missing someone? Yes
26.) Your vehicle? saturn
27.) Something your not wearing? Perfume
28.) Your favorite store? Macy's
29.) Favorite color? Depends
30.) When was the last time you laughed? today
31.) Last time you cried? saturday
32.) Your best friend? Beth
33.) One place that I go over and over? Google
34.) Facebook? yes
35.) Favorite place to eat? 3Birds
Naughty dreams!? lol. Those are the ones I wished I remembered more of! lol
ReplyDeleteDetermined...that's a good mood to be in. Congrats on being "Over the Top!"